At the beginning of February 2018, several novelties appear in the range of bar toilet soap produced by NMGK: the range of products in block package under "Dushistoye oblako", "Moy malysh" and "Retsepty chistoty" brands is expanding, a new range of baby soap appears – “Detskoye na travakh” in 90 g pack.
The appearance of new products is a logical continuation of the development of "soap in block package" subcategory that appeared in our range in 2017. It was decided to launch a new range “Detskoye na travakh” in 90 g pack, more profitable than the products of the classic range of children's cream soap "Moy malysh" 100 g to support the trend of creation of "the range of profitable offers".
“Dushistoye oblako” soap in a block package of 4*70g is a juicy aromas and high quality of your favorite product in a convenient pack. "Moy malysh" 4*70g and 90g - a revived line of the most popular baby soap in our range, more than one generation of babies have grown up on this soap. "Degtiarnoye" 4*70g is the continuation of the best-selling range of soap in Russia "Retsepty chistoty" with the same quality of classic soap with natural birch tar.
New products combine the advantages of economic products: convenient package, favorable price, and traditional quality of NMGK soap products.