"Ryaba" "Provansal classichesky" mayonnaise received European quality mark - DLG gold medals

18 January 2018

                    "Ryaba" "Provansal classichesky" mayonnaise received European quality mark - DLG gold medals

Ryaba "Provansal classichesky" mayonnaise (200g and 410g packages) complies with high European quality standards according to the test results of German Agricultural Society (DLG) and it is awarded with gold medals.

Tests of mayonnaise under "Ryaba" - "Provansal classichesky" trademark of the production of the group of companies "NMGK" completed in December 2017. The study was carried out at the request of NMGK by German Agricultural Society DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft), an international non-profit organization founded in 1885 in Germany. DLG is a leader in ascertainment and assessment of agricultural and food quality standards. Each year DLG studies over 27 thousand products, best of them that correspond to organoleptic and qualitative criteria, are awarded with DLG medal and are entitled to place "DLG Award Winner" on product package.

The assessment of food products is carried out according to a number of criteria that are relevant to the end consumer of the product: appearance, color, ingredients, consistency and, of course, smell and flavor profile.

Ryaba "Provansal classichesky" mayonnaise complies with high DLG standards according to the test results and it is awarded with gold medal in the category "Delicacy sauces"(Feinkost). Two gold medals were awarded to Ryaba "Provansal classichesky" 200g and Ryaba "Provansal classichesky" 410g. DLG gold medal is a recognition of independent European organization, "quality mark", that will strengthen the faith of European customers in Russian product and support the image of Russia as a producer of tasty and quality products.

Soon “DLG Award Winner” gold mark will appear on Ryaba "Provansal classichesky" mayonnaise packages for European countries.


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